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Nigger Juice

A Juice not drunk, but felt...
The biggest benefits come from the deeper understanding of the juice’s essence: the union of body, mind, and spirit. Mind-body integration means establishing a healthy dialogue between your thoughts and your cells. While the body appears to be material, it’s really a field of energy and intelligence that’s inextricably connected to the mind. Your beliefs, thoughts, and emotions influence every cell in the body and therefore play a major role in your wellbeing

Hammy: Pass me some of that nigger juice homie
Me : no

by PintoBeans March 16, 2019

20👍 15👎

Nigger Juice

A juice not drunk, but felt...
The biggest benefits come from the deeper understanding of the juice’s essence: the union of body, mind, and spirit. Mind-body integration means establishing a healthy dialogue between your thoughts and your cells. While the body appears to be material, it’s really a field of energy and intelligence that’s inextricably connected to the mind. Your beliefs, thoughts, and emotions influence every cell in the body and therefore play a major role in your wellbeing

Hammy: Pass me some of that nigger juice homie
Me: no

by PintoBeans March 16, 2019

2👍 2👎