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When you see an amazingly hot girl but when you get within half a block you realize she ain't got nothing!

I was about to spit my game but when i got close,she was a half blocker.

by Pixi, Trixi, Dixi January 18, 2005

2👍 1👎


The physical act of multiple women (8 will do) partaking in the act of splurring on one male

Don't touch my computer or I will begine on you.

by Pixi, Trixi, Dixi January 11, 2005

7👍 35👎


When your friends won't touch you because of the dirtyness one recieves after being with someone of the opposite sex that they are jealous of.

Get away! You have BLEAM COODIES!!

by Pixi, Trixi, Dixi January 18, 2005

78👍 88👎