The Italian version of LOL. Stands for Ridendo A Voce Alta. Means the same.
- "Sai che oggi ho inventato un nuovo acronimo?"
- "RAVA ^^"
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The phonetic pronounciation of "XD" in Italian. Used when an "XD" is in order, but the user doesn't like the actual emoticon.
<User1> :ΓΒΈ)
<User2> ahuhauhuahuahua icsdi' ^^ :D
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A phrase used to test how many people are reading in the #PkChat room on You are supposed to reply with "UUS!".
This originates from a random keyboard sequence which just happens to be the name of a Scandinavian flooring company. On their website is the famous "UUS!", which is where the reply comes from.
<User1> kopkop?
<User2> UUS!
<User3> UUUUS!! UUUUS!!! ahuahuahua icdsi'
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An Italian phrase, "Poche Ragazze Da Quelle Parti", first used in the popular Disney comic "PKNA - Paperinik New Adventures". It means "Few girls over there", and was used by the editorial team to draw attention towards a particularly geeky or sad letter/comment.
Still used today on #PkChat.
<Chatter1> uao ke figo raga, ho fatto 1 programma con gcc ke si interfaccia al totaspane kn linux!!!!
<Chatter2> PRDQP, eh?
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