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greys anatomy

Greys Anatomy, a wicked dramedy show regularly appearing weekly on ABC. The show is cradled by the begining and end narration sequences which often deliver the shows theme, along side award winning acting.

Features sexy people doing smart things and making Brain Surgery look like something you might find in Kama Sutra manuals or People Magazines sexiest list.

Though some might shrug it as another hosiptal drama that is a generic rip off of ER it may be seen as that in some way but, even if so it reigns as the deity of power over all other past and present hosiptal shows.

Greys Anatomy
George:Let's fuck and instead of smoking a cigarette after read up on harlequin fetus!

by Plastic Soccer Trophy February 27, 2006

285πŸ‘ 123πŸ‘Ž

Tit Muncher

Acne scarred teen who's extensive obsession with porn and masturbating has led him to tragically believe biting a womens' nipple feels good.

High School Girl:What are you doing Billy? ^_^
Tit Muncher Billy: You'll see, uh CRUNCH!
High School Girl:Ah!! what the fuck!

And the place sprays up like It's 1 hour and 12 minutes in to a Kill Bill volume 1.

by Plastic Soccer Trophy February 26, 2006

22πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


The high tech weapon of choice for both Jedi and Sith. It is focused through a crystal which in some writings is said to have given the lightsaber its color instead of the force of the person. It defelcts shit, it chops shit, and is quite possibly only second to the miracle blades that cut tomatoes really good.

The one thing keeping my nerdiness love of swords being better of guns alive.

Me:I wish i had that lightsaber!
Girlfriend:I'm leaving.

by Plastic Soccer Trophy February 26, 2006

137πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


What constructino workers due in there off time or when there are extra nails lying around.

Construction Worker:Hey Dave im not really hungry want to go in the back and practice your fisting technique.
Other CW:sure why not.

by Plastic Soccer Trophy February 26, 2006

17πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž


Half of what is responsible for the phenomena called deja vu for when the combining of the cowbell's steel casing and Will Ferrell awsome talent were combined that saturday night the space time continuum was ripped by pure awsomeness.

Will Ferrell: I would be doing myself and everyone in here a diservice if I didn't play the hell out of this cowbell.
Jimmy Fallon: *Boyish Backround Giggle*

by Plastic Soccer Trophy February 26, 2006

54πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž

Christ on A Biscuit

The next level in being pissed off just above "Jesus Christ." Though this contains more empahsis on a prolonged bit of pissofery for the Biscuit contains glucose inducing carbo's. Not to be mistaken with chris on a biscuit because that's just canabolism you sick fuck.

Ticket Booth Salesmen:Oh I'm sorry sir all of the tickets have been sold out.
Me: Christ on a Biscuit !

by Plastic Soccer Trophy February 26, 2006

31πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

pauly shore

Comedian who's career sky rocketed when it became apparent to MTV that weasel noises are what make teenagers laugh the most during the 90's.

Pauly Shore:Hey Buddddyyy!
MTV excutive:He's like picaso but retarted!

by Plastic Soccer Trophy February 26, 2006

144πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž