Source Code

5kr1pt k1ddi35

Leet form of script kiddies

1 h8 5kr1pt k1ddi35

by Player2170(roblox arsenal guy) October 12, 2019


now it means "so","very"
started off as a typo as "the" in IRC

#1=i am teh suxor
#2=do you know that teh thing that happened a whole ago?

by Player2170(roblox arsenal guy) December 1, 2019


Penis but better
🅱️Enis but more better
The gif shows what you feels with a 🅱️enℹ️ s

I luv mah 🅱️enℹ️s

by Player2170(roblox arsenal guy) October 12, 2019



Qui it's french

by Player2170(roblox arsenal guy) October 8, 2019

Keyboard rage

Keyboard rage is usually when a guy gets angry and he started to write spam messages like (u h4v n0 lyf3) or just some meaningless words
Usually slamming their head into the keyboard

Me rekting a bitchass kid
Kid:idyshdjdhbsjdgd(then keyboard explosion)

Kid has left the server(rage quit)

Me:lmao he did a keyboard rage and then ragequitted

by Player2170(roblox arsenal guy) October 14, 2019


If you said the N-word more than 10 times you are truly a racism guy
N1🅱️🅱️AZ will pick fight on you
Some places are sensitive to this word(also see discord)
Others are like:I hate {some specialities}

Me:oh a nigga
Black guy:what did you say you racist?

Me:wait I didn't say anything
Black guy:get the fuck outta here before I slaughter you into pieces
Me:it's a nickel-
Black guy:get 'em!
It's like I said 40 times of the N-word
Guy:I hate blonde hair roblox users
Girl:u ####### racist
Guy:ur prob a blonde hair

by Player2170(roblox arsenal guy) November 3, 2019

1👍 5👎

Name definition

People who make this kind of definitions are either extreme gay or too bored
And is a violation of the new definition ToS as it says never use infamous people names

Guy makes Olivia
Definition:is a hot girl
Guy makes tyler
Definition:He's cool
People still press ADD IT button
Another guy saw the name definition
Another guy:oof(oh fuck) they made an extreme stupid and gay definitions
Why do they make these gay definitions for the dictionary
Nvm it's complete gay already

by Player2170(roblox arsenal guy) October 12, 2019

6👍 5👎