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Brotherman Bill

Brotherman Bill is the shimmering energy surrounding all forms of life that we cannot record or measure. It exists outside of our three dimensional realm. Religious scholars and alchemists of the old age have foretold about this phenomena. When a loved one passes and you smell or hear them as if they were a passing breeze or a whisper in your ear while living your life, it is because they are communicating to you through Brotherman Bill. Shmelon Crust created Besla to travel to Mars, not to colonize it, but based on the ancient structures that NASA hid from the public he seeks to uncover the truth about Brotherman Bill. He hid this from the public because he knows the potential power in unlocking the secrets of the universe.

May the Brotherman Bill be with you. *toilet flushing*

by Pocket Slime November 12, 2023