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WAP is a religious slang which stands for "Worship and Praise" It is used very commonly among young people, especially when discussing the bible.

Priest: Who's ready to have some WAP?
Church: Amen!

by Pog_Wog2 September 3, 2020


A sexuality made up by a right-wing libtard destroying youtuber Hunter Avallone, to mock leftist SJW's making up orientations.

I'm toucansexual and the fact that there is no T for it in LGBTQ triggers me!

by Pog_Wog2 April 7, 2019

49👍 16👎

Hays Middle School

A middle school the cool kids go to.

Hays Middle School is the school of cool kids. Unlike Rogers, Reynolds, and Rushing, Hays Middle School is actually good.

Bob: Bro I got into Hays Middle School
Joe: Bro you're so lucky, I have to go to reynolds

by Pog_Wog2 March 6, 2021

4👍 5👎