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ghetto incredible

N, ADJ. Kinda like ghetto fabulous, but even worse than that.

"This man has a car that is not only three different shades of flat black and gray, but the driver side door don't open and it won't start movin' until the passenger gets out and gives it a push. That's not just ghetto fabulous, my friend. That's ghetto incredible!"

by Poke-a-loke January 7, 2009

4👍 5👎


N. Broken down, ragged, beat up, corny or ghetto (as referring to an object or article of clothing, most times a vehicle or sneakers)

"I have no idea why you would even bother putting a system in that busted-ass Tempo of yours. The shit is going to fall apart if you even try bumping a cd with some actual beats."
"Yo, what's with your busted-ass shoes? Them things are talkin to me! I'd recommend buying a new pair of sneaks REAL soon. Those things are about to give out any minute."

by Poke-a-loke January 7, 2009

35👍 7👎


N. Fanciness; an extravagantly decorated or elaborately ornamented location (ie. a mansion or museum)
Adj. Fancy; flashy; loud; gaudy
V. To make fancy, flashy or gaudy

Noun: The concert last night had a whole bunch of pyrotechnics and extravagant laser shows. They even dropped confetti on the crowd at the end, and they have the nerve to call themselves a local band? What's with all the glittershit?

Adjective: I can't believe you put shagg carpeting and fuzzy dice in your busted-ass car. I refuse to be seen riding in your glittershitmobile. Thanks, I'll walk home.

Verb: Why the hell did you go and glittershit your wardrobe? You look like David Bowie now. Congrads.

by Poke-a-loke January 7, 2009

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