A "Chipuchi" typically be described as a slimy disgusting mass of fat that doesn't have the best smell and "feeds off the crust of peoples feet". In most cases has horrid facial features.
"Becky reminds me of a Chipuchi from how bad she smells"
A very large disgusting mass of fat that let's a very unpleasant sent. A Chipuchi usually has very uncanny looking facial features that resemble a "ground mole". Commonly found feeding off the attention of other people.
Blank reminds me of a Chipuchi without a mask
is not only the coolest looking car but the coolest looking person. It is the most awesome name a person can have. means "light". and must always be pronounced eleAnor not eleanA. Elena is a DIFFERENT name. the distinction between the 2 is very important.
can also be shortened to el, ellie, and nell.
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