Colofornia, aka Colorado: cow town, unknown affordable state, was more like the wildwest in the rual areas, but now just a tourists slut, and druggie meca. The state if full of trust fund babies from either coast, pot heads, tree fucking yuppies libtards, californians, closet-queer hipster twinks, grossly rich pumpus ass republicans and a bunch of douch bag out of state poeple who are ruining everything that was colorado. This state is full of robots who follow what ever the latest fad is, from yoga and suburu, to every one having to have a dog, being on a gluten free diet (but can drink $10 beer), hating anyone who has work for living and can think for them selves. Traffic is horrible, poeple have no respect, everywhere smells like pot, meth or herion junkies at every bus stop and in ever ER constantly, low wages, high rent, lack of full time work, over packed hiking trails, bills to close more trails due to over use (example hanging lake). Self entitled coke snorting, pot vaping, trust fund babies.
COLOFORNIA- aka; Colorado: lets go get ripped and shred some powders on the slopes. If we cant afford the weed we'll try meth, its cheaper anyway.
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