Source Code

vd betty

a whore at a bar or club that thinks she is a betty but will not ever get taken home because she looks like she has a collection of many strains of veneral disease

Hey, watch out vd betty showed up and tried to get me to buy her a drink.

by Pompous Smurf October 14, 2006

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the act of beggin most commonly a crach head that begs for crumbs, your change or anything you have to spare

quit yo crumbin and get the whole rock.

by Pompous Smurf July 28, 2006

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Screamin Shits

when you don't know if you should put your head or ass in the toilet first because you have diarriha and need to vomit at the same time.

I'm glad my sink is right next to my toilet I had a bad case of the screamin shits this morning.

by Pompous Smurf July 26, 2006

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Roach Class

This is a term used for first class for white trash but not to be confused with first class, this would be like coach on a plane and a motel 6 rather than your trailer being pulled by your truck on vacation

Why go first class when you can travel roach class

by Pompous Smurf July 27, 2006

13πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Flamin Shits

When you ate somethin really hot and when you proceed to deficate it burns your rectum.

That food gave me the flamin shits, i tried to wet the toilet paper to put out the fire.

by Pompous Smurf July 26, 2006

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

callin dinosaurs

this is pretty much the sound one makes when throwing up, possibly from being sick but most common from havin had too much to drink

You hear ralph callin dinosaurs,"raaaaarrrr"

by Pompous Smurf July 27, 2006

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a dumb ass cunt, a bitch who pisses you off, acts like she don't know whats goin on, or when she is supposed to leave

What is that d.a.c. beth doin here?

by Pompous Smurf July 22, 2006

41πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž