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A shit hunt. When in the wilderness, ie. on a camping trip, often a lack of anything better to do leads us to such activities as searching for each others' shit in the woods. The success of a shunt depends on the number of shits found, as well as the overall size of said shits.

Shunting can be a solitary or group activity; when shunting in groups, a point system may be developed that awards more points for larger shits. Animal shit is counted using the same point system, ie. rabbit shit will count for less points than human shit whereas bear shit will count for more. Don't forget to mark the shit you find in your own special way so that everyone will know you found it first!

I totally owned in that last shunt. Ed shat a friggen log and I was the first to find it!

by Poncho the Pony July 1, 2009

29👍 28👎