Ponkey(Pawn-key)/ alt. ponkay(pawn-kay)
Noun. A ponkey is a magical, heavenly cross between a donkey and a pig (and P.M.W.R.). Seeing a ponkey (which is invisible) will grant you good luck and your true love will kiss you passionately. All ponkies are in people's heads. However, they tend to wander away often. Consequences will be severe insanity, chalkboard obsession, non-stop blabbing, and philipean. There are only two ways to get your ponkey back:
1) You must pray to the ponkey god (Hamily) every night.
2) You must do a religious ritual in which you wriggle your arms in an insane fashion towards a sane person's head. Then, you can steal their ponkey.
Board of Ponkeys:
H.P. Creator of All Ponkeys Also entirely insane
E.B. Keeper of All Ponkies Slightly less insane than the rest but still quite insane
A.I. Keeper of Ponkey Records/secretary Insanity, 'nuff said.
P.M. & W.R. Inspiration for Ponkies
Ponkeyless people:
- Shafayet
- Seth
Shafayet: Oh M Gee. Did you lose you're ponkey again?
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