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no name, no face, no identity

Anonymous is often characterized by the popular internet image board website "4chan" due to the majority of the posters preferring to post as Anonymous.

Anonymous is also an internet terrorist hacking group that originated from 4chan. They have been known to terrorize "Habbo Hotel" (a popular social networking site), Scientology, large corporations through being part of the "Occupy" movements (many large scale peaceful socialist movements attempting to balance wealth in the United States+Canada. The movement started at Sept, 17, 2011), 4chan itself through DDOS attacks, Youtube, Steve Jobs, Sarah Palin, facebook, and more.

The Anonymous persona existed far before 4chan as a method for people to speak without being shown.

David posted as Anonymous as he saved up pictures of child pornography on 4chan. The FBI caught him anyways and he was sentenced to a few years in prison.

by Poo chan November 16, 2011

17👍 22👎


Male humans of the human species. They are characterized as hairless, skinny primates are are significantly weaker than other mammals around their size. Despite their physical weakness, humans have reached to the point of being one of Earth's Apex predators, predators with no natural predators of their own. Humans overpopulate the Earth, with a number exceeding 6.9 billion, and continues to destroy the Earth's natural resources to the point where it cannot contain life. They live in all places of the Earth where land is and have also traveled to the Earth's moon.

There are 101 male humans to 100 female humans in the world. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/xx.html

by Poo chan November 16, 2011

32👍 21👎