Broke Begging Bum Bitch. This is a woman who masks begging by projecting on others by calling them broke. A modern-day panhandler who forwards her cash app tag like the homeless does with their empty hats, asking for loose change. 4B's NEVER want to pay their own bills like normal adults. A 4B will ask a man to take her to a fast-food restaurant (Example Chic-fil-a), order her food, and claim that she forgot her wallet. 4B's claim to be totally independent while having multiple baby daddies on Child support, getting Government section 8 and food stamps but because she's not getting "Cash benefits" she will say she is not on welfare. 4B's are functioning bums. 4B's will do and say anything to evade full disclosure in order to grift. A 4B's most powerful weapon is shame. 4B's defense of her Bum Beggin ways is by calling others, broke, gay, bitter, incel, or your momma black. 4B's may have a job a career but are always entitled and scheming new ways to evade the responsibilities of adulthood by coercing men to pay for them. 4B's are a part of what is modern-day HoeCulture. A 4B may or may not be a single mother although most 4B's are. Many 4B's are strippers, online strippers, only fan creators. The term 4B was created as a means to circumvent community standards while promoting free speech coined by DannyRuel.
Only a 4B will have a degree while trying to live free in exchange for some coochie and company.
When you ask a 4B what does she bring to the table, she answers "I am the table"
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