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Tentacle porn where the victim or victims are willing participants, thus giving consent for sexual intercourse with said tentacles

Tentacle porn is great, but consentacles are the best!

I wouldn't mind having some hot consentacle sex right now.

by PortableBacon June 1, 2010

211๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

high road defeatism

When left wing politicians lose to the dirty tactics of right wing politicians because they feel that their personal integrity is more important than protecting their constituents.

Alternatively, those left wing politicians who have embraced the fact that keeping their position (and income via corporate paychecks and inside trading) only requires maintaining the appearance of high road morality, which is easy enough to do by acting stupid and pretending not to notice when their supposed political opponents act in bad faith.

American People: The Republican Party has been subsumed by foreign money and fascist elements. They've now taken over the major branches of government in a way that the checks and balances system no longer works, enacting policies that represent a shrinking minority of the populace. At the same time, they push fake conspiracies and promote false reality constructivism to fabricate invisible enemies to justify their bullshit. Why do you keep pretending like they aren't acting in bad faith?

Democrats: When they go low, we go high.

*Democrats proceed to seize the high ground while Republicans proceed to seize the Supreme Court*

Anyone with a brain: High road defeatism is not a winning strategy.

by PortableBacon June 30, 2022

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

middle management

A person or persons whose sole reason for existing is to ensure maximum productivity from workers while paying them poverty wages.

American Workers: My productivity has risen 150% since Reagan's inauguration in 1981, but wages only went up 10%. I can't afford a house even if I got 10 years of wages on the spot and even the cost of an ambulance ride could make me homeless.

Middle Management: Too bad so sad. All the value from your productivity went into executive bonuses. Did you know? Bonuses are to be paid to upper management first, and then to workers if there's anything left over (hint: there isn't). That's the definition of a bonus as defined by Reagonomics.

by PortableBacon January 27, 2022