Someone who doesn't appreciate all of the good music from all different genres for it's musicalness and musicality , but instead only likes one genre only and latches onto that one genre in it's entirety , it's look , it's clothing , it's fashion , it's lifestyle , all in a feeble attempt to be seen as cool and to act like a snob and pretend they are better than someone else who's not into their narrow , shallow , narcissistic , superficial , artificial coolness.
punk idiot: I'm like so punk , I act punk , I dress punk , I look so fucking punk , and all I listen to is punk.
metal idiot: I'm like so fucking metal , I act metal , I dress dress metal , I look so metal and badass , and all I listen to is metal.
normal person: You guys are posers.Good music and bad music exists in all genres of music and you need to listen to more than just one genre of music. Besides if all you listen to is just one genre then you must be suffering from the delusion that everything in that one genre constitutes GOOD MUSIC which is impossible since every genre has it's share of good music and bad music regardless of how simple or complex the music is.You guys just don't want to have to think too hard (aw is thinking too hard?) and so you take the easy way out and latch onto one thing hard.Then you adopt the look and the fashion and the hairdo and the lifestyle and "pose" as that image and think that makes you all cool and badass.It doesn't.You're lame.Posers!
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