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Cold colors

The colors that may represent cold things like the color of the ocean or the color of grass. Cold colors: blue,green, turquoise.

This painting has more cold colors than warm colors

by Potato (E.P) June 6, 2020

2👍 1👎


It's that time of the day when the sun rises and it makes a beautiful mix of warm colors in the sky. That time of the day when you know you can try again and start over because this is the beginning of a new day. If you stay up at night till sunrise then you won't wanna miss that beautiful scene, when the sun light gives the clouds that beautiful mix of warm colors, when you feel the warmth of the sun on your face and when you know that you made it to the next day, then you'll see how beautiful the sunrise is.

Person1: wow! We stayed up all night. It's almost sunrise

Person2: let's go outside then so we can see that beautiful scene

by Potato (E.P) June 6, 2020

3👍 2👎

Warm colors

The colors that may represent warm things like the color of fire or the sun. Warm colors: red, orange and yellow and all of their shades.

This painting has more warm colors than cold colors

by Potato (E.P) June 6, 2020