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selling oranges

Letting a girl touch your balls and dick

Hey dude nick was selling oranges to kiley in the janitors closet

by PotatoKing July 21, 2015

4👍 2👎


A stand up kind of person. When someone does something that isn't okay to do they will say something about it, not really caring too much about the consequences. In short they're just bad ass in all the good ways. They're also the people who wanna live and have a lot more life experience than most. This life experience makes them mentally and emotionally very strong making them someone to talk to. They will also invite you on their adventures to do bad shit crazy things with them creating life long lasting memories. They're like a sibling, either being there do just fuck around with or they're their to help you, and they're good at that.

Elya is the the best sister anyone could ask for.

by PotatoKing November 21, 2021

Smarmy Little Snarkfest

A very ornery, haughty, or arrogant person. Someone who is always sarcastic, or thinks they are the shit.

That girl Devan is such a smarmy little snarkfest. She's always giving me sass.

by PotatoKing June 16, 2010

6👍 2👎