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South american rodent, much like the rat. A favorite meal to boa constrictors and pythons. Distinctive receding hairline and the inability to be quiet when around others. The rodent has bad tastes in sport teams, namely (the chiefs) and spends his day listening for gossip around the woods.

What the hell is that irritating noise. Oh, by the looks of it, the sound must be coming from that Hervil.

by Powered By Ur Mom January 4, 2012


When a woman with potentially large or beautiful breasts is concealing them under large or loose fitting clothing.

See that girl in the sweater at the end of the bar. I can see just enough of an outline to think that she has possibiltitties.

by Powered By Ur Mom July 20, 2020

Ja Krispy

One whom walks on fire with no firewalking ability. Usually under the influence of alcohol or other substances.

Why is Jordan on crutches?

He was camping this weekend, got drunk and now he's Ja Krispy.

by Powered By Ur Mom April 4, 2014

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