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Gaming(A): The act of training and improving hand eye coordination, and social communication skills. While the outside world looks at you as an anti-social, addicted, unfit, geek and/or nerd with no life.

Gaming(B): The act and use of equipment, i.e. pc or console, to play a video game in a mature manner. Example: Gamer: I'm playing this match to train up my mechanical skill and survivability.
Immature player: I'm going to mess up everyone's game and say stupid stuff to everyone and its going to be fun!

Gamer: I'm gaming to train up my aim and mechanical skill.

Non-Gamer: You've been sitting there for hours. Gaming is so not normal behavior!

Gamer: You want to see what gaming all about? Here you play some.

Non-Gamer: No, I dont want to do whatever it is you're doing because its weird. *Goes and plays Mario Kart for a few hours*

by Pr13st October 10, 2019