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'Lefaucheux' simply means 'for sure'.

It is usually used when someone is extremely confident about something.

I am gonna make this happen lefaucheux no matter how much time it takes.

by Predator March 13, 2016



Oh my god! Ivanhoe!!!

by Predator April 11, 2003

15👍 10👎


The scaredom is something that everyone who has experienced being severly hung over knows about. Upon waking up from a heavy night of the fire water and youre still drunk, probably laying next to a not so hot girl and realizing what a bad day lay ahead is just the beginning. You mope around the house all day and the only thing you can stomache is dry turkey sandwich and water. Right around 5 o'clock P.M. the scaredom rears its ugly head, its that ever so unsure feeling that youre life is worth a damn. You start qestioning your lifes decisions and vow to 'turn it around'. Your thoughts range from taking a vow of celebacy to visiting your grandmother more. You are experiencing your conscience yelling at you!!!
...if its real bad, and its on a Saturday night you definitely become a recluse for the next few days....

After a long night of drinking long islands and doing body shots off a C teamer, the scaredom hit me REAL hard and prompted me to start drinking again to scare away the scaredom

by Predator January 17, 2006

54👍 14👎