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table general

The person who directs the movement, placement, and direction of food at the dinner table, particularly at a large meal or gathering. This can be achieved by democracy, but is more typically dictated by strength of character and who has the best spatial relations... or just the most experience with food.

"We were overwhelmed by the amount of food on the table for the 12-person Christmas dinner. Luckily Grandpa was an efficient table general.

by President Warren G. Harding December 28, 2011

44πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

mouse fishing

It's like that thing, where you accidentally knock your mouse off your desk, and rather than reach down to get it, you just grab the cable and reel it back up, hand over hand.

Tony was too fat and lazy to set his laptop aside, so just grabbed the cable on the back and did some mouse fishing.

by President Warren G. Harding September 26, 2012

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


1) To be ignorant of twitter; to have twitter but not know how it works.

2) Someone who is aware of twitter, knows how it works, but is still in some way mentally deficient with their use of it.

3) Worthless twitter posts (a phrase which may or may not be redundant).

A: What's a tweeter?
B: It's like a messaging facebook thing. You use it to post toots.

C: Hey, I got Twitter! But it says I can only post 120 words at a time.
D: *sigh*

E: "Hello World. I am sitting on the couch.@Urbandictionary 6 minutes ago
F: "Stop being Tweetarded!!1@Twilight4Evarr 1 minute ago

by President Warren G. Harding September 11, 2009

100πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


Something that is able to be looked up on the Yahoo! search engine.

See also, Yahoo, Yahoo!, Googleable

1. I needed pictures of the Alamo, and they were totally Yahooable.

2. I was looking for pictures of my new car, and the best ones weren't Yahooable, but luckily they were still Googleable.

by President Warren G. Harding July 11, 2009

29πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Sun Belt

A region of the United States covering the geographic southern United States, or roughly the area south of the 37th or 38th parallels, north latitude.

Not to be confused with the Bible Belt, the Sun Belt extends beyond the states traditionally associated with the deep south (Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and the Carolinas), and extends west through the warmer climes of the continental U.S. (Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Florida, Colorado, Utah, Oklahoma, Nevada, extending as far north as Virginia).

The Sun Belt has seen substantial population growth in recent decades, fueled by milder winters, coupled with the availability and affordability of air conditioning. In addition, the latter half of the 20th century has seen a surge in retiring baby boomers migrating domestically, as well as the influx of immigrants, both legal and illegal, into this region.

One of the most densely populated areas for professional sports in the U.S., the college powerhouse SEC has existed there for over 75 years, with the population boom also adding to the creation of the eponymous Sun Belt Conference (est. 1976) and the currently higher profile Conference USA (est. 1995). All three conferences exist entirely within this region.

Tony: Man, it's too crowded out here in New York, I don't even have room to think.

Andrea: I know it ain't for everyone, but my cousins moved down to the Sun Belt and they couldn't be happier.

Tony: Sun Belt? Is that like the Bible Belt?

Andrea: Naw, the Bible Belt is mostly conservative country folk. The urban population is exploding down there with new liberal voters, and Obama even carried Houston in 2008, not to mention all of New Mexico.

by President Warren G. Harding July 7, 2009

64πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

jailbait temperatures

When the temperature outside drops below 18 degrees. See also jailbait.

Mack: Dude, I cannot BELIEVE I moved this far north. Yesterday it was 30 degrees outside.

Jack: Ha, wait until December. You're gonna need a new jacket, gloves and hat when it drops down to jailbait temperatures.

by President Warren G. Harding December 10, 2009

76πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


Someone who gets turned on by, or derives sexual pleasure from, shopping, or being taken shopping.

(1) Taneequah: Yo, Shaneequah ain't gettin' none, so she went out to the mall and picked up 23 new outfits and a X-Box.

Sharonda: You trippin'. That bitch be buy-sexual all up in herrrrrrre.

(2) Chad: I say, I do believe Edward took Muffy out shopping for jewelry this past week-end, at the conclusion of which, she did give up the booty.

Sheldon: Mmm, QUITE the buy-sexual, wouldn't you say?

by President Warren G. Harding April 23, 2010

131πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž