One big cesspool of faggotry and bullshit. Also see Neopets. It's a forum known more for its unbearable amount of furries and slashfic writers than its self-proclaimed "achievements." Then there's the regs - usually a 14 to 17 (or in worse cases - 17+) yr old still going through their rebellious phase in which they're susceptible to constantly breaking the rules, often seen with a new account every week or so. Regardless of how many times they're frozen, they return nonetheless. A typical nw fag can be seen within their group of neopals, exchanging compliments and made-up stories just to sound interesting, or maybe even writing an Urban Dictionary entry about the history of neo flame wars. Go figure.
e.g "History of the NW:
Five years ago, I joined this online community. Back then, I was younger and I don't remember it so well. However, I do remember that it was slightly on topic and I could post my writing there. Then, after a year or so there, the big flamers made their entrance. I went through that and wrote a history on it. Here it is:
Flame Wars: A History
In the summer of 2005, a new user came unto these boards. The NW boards. He called himself Vaspim, and was to change the n00b riddled NW boards forever(well, for about two months)."
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