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The kissy-faced bandits

Bonnie and Clyde’s, Billy and Stacie’s, this couple will pretend to be you, steal your identity, then switch places with their brother and sister to avoid capture. Like two sets of twins that do nothing but damage to those around them.

Have you heard, the kissy-faced bandits have been to town, protect your sons and daughters against their identity thefting ways. The girl will take your man, and the man will kick him in the face for falling in love with the girl!

by Princecole12 November 27, 2023

Billy and Stacie’s

What one considered Bonnie and Clyde of the past, the present day Billy and Stacie will do the same, steal all your money, take your identity, and leave you with a fake name that has criminal charges attached to it.

Bro, I just got turned in to the cops for walking to get my mail, must have been a Billy and Stacie’s identity theft charge waiting for me instead of my ID.

by Princecole12 November 27, 2023


Stacie’s are the prototype future clone, that will steal your identity, sleep with your husband, pretend to go on dates with him to start trouble in the house, get you to enter into a divorce, and then take you for all your money, and pretend to be your grandparents new daughter and steal your inheritance. Then sleep with the lawyer and judge to confirm your not getting any assistance.

They use to be scared of Charlie’s and Jody’s, but now everyone fears the Billy’s and the Stacies. Proto women that will stop at nothing to take everything from you weather it’s out of a retirement community, a mobile home park, or a high rise penthouse building. Stacie’s don’t care, all they want is the money and will stop at nothing to get it from your grandparents, even sleep with them.

by Princecole12 November 27, 2023

“The Billy’s”

The 2020’s terrorist cells grouping together for fascism and hate, hitlers and the new age rise of haters in the streets.

“The Billy’s” Remember, Don’t go to your local convenient store, the Billy’s might be out looking to punish us.

by Princecole12 November 27, 2023


A Billy is the modern day enemy, no longer do we go to war to hunt Charlie’s, we now go in search of the enemy Billy and his hateful ways. In Honor of the King.

I was just drafted to the marines, set to go protect our country from the Billy’s of the world and protect our freedoms.

by Princecole12 November 27, 2023