Melissa Ann Housley, known affectionately as Meliss-issa-yum-yum, is an American leader and inspiration to all....Though all of the honorable Miss Housley's wondrous achievements cannot be summarized in a mere encyclopedic entry, the following list attempts to highlight some of her most notable accomplishments and traits...
Founding member of the Brigade Against Women Wearing Hats in Public.
Princess of all things sassy
Cold weather queen
Amateur Michaela Quinn impersonator
Five Star General of the Painted Toenail Gestapo (she's referred to as "Boss Housley" by those subjected to her reign)
Professional Pressure Washer
Innovator in the field of chocolate and it's medicinal purposes
Blue beverages beware...
Aspiring pen rider and steer growler
Amphibian Aficionado (frogs are her favourite)
Holds the world record for being the oldest person to drink daily from a pink sippy cup
Voted most likely to be barefoot and pregnant by 2018
Ambassador to Gingers everywhere
Boss Housley's Spirit Animal is the lion!!!!
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