A friend who's always by your side,ver loving and caring,someone who's very cool and has a great sense of humor.A person who's very beautiful and gorgeous
Choeyin is my favorite
A friend who enjoys her own company very beautiful talks very less but is literally a great secret keeper and hypes you up,is there for you always
Yangden is the best
The second word for beauty.A friend who hypes you up and is your own littel paparazzi.A friend who's very beautiful and has a very cool mother.
Lhaz is cool
4👍 2👎
A girl who's very beautiful,gorgeous,pretty and hot,has a very sexy body figure is a very nice friend and someone who is filled with forgiveness and humor.If you have a "TCP" in your life hold on to her tied as they are hard to fine and once you have them they are your 4lifer
5👍 5👎
A boy who is very good looking and cute,isn't very tall but us really hot/attractive texts you first and gives u mixed signals most probably would look good with a girl who's name starts with a "p"
Eg.kåy kåyy is hott
Someone who is very hot-headed but is very hot,beautiful and literally perfection.Trust people easily and is literally the sweetest,has your back always and forever.
If you have a sumchog in your life take care of her
Sumchog khandrom