Space CQC (Close Quarters Combat) is a fighting style used by Nyaruko, Kuuko, Hasturr, and likely other aliens. Space CQC is a variety of moves involving special abilities, powers, and even ranged attacks used by specific characters. Space CQC most importantly also includes others moves that are indistinguishable from regular hand-to-hand combat you'd see from humans. Many aliens have also extraordinary strength that humans lack giving them an edge with combat.
"From Citizen Bright's Professional Space CQC, That which you believe is Space CQC is Space CQC. However, remember that others may not agree with you."
You are very bored you literally filled in the gaps of lpmkjibhgycfdrzsaw unbelievable!
You should be doing your schoolwork
I hope you get better
Person 1: lpmkjibhgycfdrzsawonuvtxeq