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Sandmanst, a user popular in the REDACTED discord server (and my heart).
He is a skilled artist, who when asked what he thinks of anothers art, will not comment until severely put upon.
He also often blocks people (undeservedly), and then refuses to elaborate on why he doesn't love them.

"Wow, are you a sandmanst? Because you blocked me won't tell me why you don't love me! "
"What do you think of my art, sandmanst?"

by Professional Mech Molester August 17, 2022


synonym for the best damn femboy in the world.

"yeah I had a lapdance at the gay club last night, dancer was a real Mechanical-Pheonix" "Damn, I miss my ex, in public he was a macho man but in the bedroom, he was a mechanical-phoenix"

by Professional Mech Molester February 22, 2021

4👍 1👎


Mechanical-Pheonix is the world's best femboy alive. He has an A-class bussy which balances out his C-class personality. He is my, professional retard's, waifu, and true love.

"Hey dude i was reading femboy weekly and mechanical-pheonix came in second!" "no way dude, mechanical-pheonix can't been in second place, he's clearly the superior femboy!"

by Professional Mech Molester February 20, 2021