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Used to describe an Australian left-wing hyper-partisan Twitter user who invests many hours online blaming conservative Federal and State leaders or mainstream media 'MSM' for everything bad that happens in the known universe.

Drips are typically retired teachers, cat lovers, PHD students (of any age) or self-proclaimed social justice warriors, or a combination of these.

Drips become aggressive when challenged and use the block function with absolute authority. When in numbers, drips are prone to bouts of collective outrage over normal things such as what the Australian Prime Minister ate for breakfast or his posture at a press conference. Outrage can last for many days.

Drips cannot be reasoned with even in the face of logic, hard evidence, or humanity, and only change their narrative if there is political motivation to do so.

Early generations of drips declared their drip status by using a water drop emoji in their profile, however latter generations are using alternatives such as rat emojies, waterfalls, koalas and candles. This suggests that the first drips have 'passed on' drippism to other Twitter users over time.

Drips have an impressive ability to rack up hundreds of thousands of posts over a short time to get a topic trending (usually one that involves direct attacks on the Prime Minister of Australia).

Much of the activity of drips is directed by a handful of drip overlords, who set the weekly talking points and agree on the daily target trend.

Drips are out in force today, might log off to save my menchies
These drips are well cooked
Totally normal drip behavior
Ok drip (an alternative to #okboomer)
Drips incoming! (used to warn another twitter user that their post will attract aggressive drips in their mentions)

by Professor Melbin October 10, 2021