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v. The process of having a particularly aggressive and forceful bout of diarrhea that leaves the inside of the bowl splattered as though Jackson Pollock had painted it in your poo.

n. The resulting image of the interior of the toilet bowl after one has pollocked.

Lindsey, if you keep eating those garbanzo beans you are going to pollock!

by Professor Quinta July 10, 2012

36πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


When a gay man fucks his best girl-friend so hard up the ass that is creats a small hole through which an egg can travel from the ovary to the rectum. Then when he ejaculates into her ass she becomes pregnant and nine months later a baby explodes out of her ass. It's an Ass-Baby

"Lindsey, your butt has gotten really big"
"yeah, it's russles Ass-Baby, it's gonna explode out any day now!"

Your Ass-baby is covered in shit!

by Professor Quinta August 18, 2006

42πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Ass Mung

a) n. Any secretion from the ass.
b) n. The ooze that comes out of a dead womans ass when you go munging.

When we went double mung-jumping I got stuck with the ass mung while my buddy got to do the bouncing.

by Professor Quinta November 30, 2005

32πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

plooney your mom

plooney your mom is the act of plooney. But, the image of George Clooney is held by your mother sitting in a chair across the room, but in plain sight, of where you are your partner are copulating.

When asked to plooney she responded, Plooney your mom bitch! He later attempted to do so but missed causing an unfortunate clean up for his mother.

by Professor Quinta October 17, 2005

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


feeling intense embarrassment for someone else.

When someone does something so pathetically embarrassing that you would not be human if it didn't embarrass you just through your proximity to the situation.

It is especially potent when you witness this embarrassing act.

Gaby, did you just see that poor girl trip on a banana and impale herself on a hooker's spiky boot?. . . I have such tartingles!

by Professor Quinta December 1, 2006

25πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


v. when your gum flies violently out of your mouth due to a sudden outburst of laughter and smacks someone square in the face.

reverse gebee is also possible but typically results in choking, or even death.

When i was little i gebee's on jake bebee. . . my bad.

Dude you just gebee's in my face, that's foul!

by Professor Quinta August 23, 2006

11πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


v. The act of spreading ones pubic hairs all over an object.
n. The unfortunate discovery of pubic hairs all over an object one must use, for example ones bed, or bathtub

I am going to Quinta all over your pizza.

Becca, look, there is quinta in our bed!

by Professor Quinta October 17, 2005

46πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž