That embarrassing spot that can form on one's pants, from dancing with a lady, even if no obvious erection is present. (See also premature ejaculation and pronatalist.)
My Dad said you can get precum oozing, just by dancing with a lady.
Precum can contain millions of sperm, a good reason for not playing around with arousing sexual feelings, or engaging in "outercourse, "early withdrawal," or other risky behaviors.
189👍 128👎
One who encourages childbearing, either out of some practical or religious belief that human populations were designed to grow naturally, or one who believes human populations should grow nearly as large as possible, to benefit nearly as many people as reasonably possible.
A pronatalist is likely to be offended by a draconian anti-child policy, such as China's "one child" policy.
Pronatalists naturally oppose human population "control."
69👍 36👎
Producing the pearl jam before putting it in the Maam. (See also pronatalist.)
How can you naturally make a baby, if you have a premature ejaculation, or cream your pants, before delivering your penis into your wife's vagina?
131👍 85👎