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Raven is creative, black or brown haired, usually pretty clever and athletic. She is creative and funny, always the life of the party. She is social and loyal to all of her friends, and will never fall out with them for long. She gets crazy and hyper alot of the time, and excited for no reason at all. She is beautiful but doesn't know it, or cares. Make up doesn't really matter to her, and while others obsess over it she stands and laughs.

Raven is passionate and awesome, full of personality and magic, often fantasising about being something she isn't. Animals are a big part of her life, and absolutely lives cats and dogs.
She is full to the brim with surprises, a bit on the wild side, but doesn't mind sitting down with a good book and sitting reading for ages.
Raven is absoloutley perfect in her opion, and doesn't want to blend in with the crowd - she wants to stand out loud and proud and not listen to nasty comments it insults. She will never ever let a friend down, always tries to cheer them up when she feels they are sad and will be absoloutley happy 99% of life.

Felicity: Hey Raven how's it going?
Raven: OMG I Am absolutely fan thanks for asking I Am really really excited!
Felicity: What for?
Raven:I don't know!

by ProudSlytherdor1 February 14, 2018

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