Source Code


The final day of the weekend. After being fried on Friedday and Scattered on Scattereday, you can final sleep and eat on Sundown.

"I'm so glad it's Sundown, I'm exhausted."

by Psardy July 5, 2008

12👍 10👎


www.Wednesday is when you decide to take a few ecstasy pills mid-week, for no particular reason at all.

The three W's stand for wasted, wankered and worn.

"I can't believe I had another www.Wednesday, I knew I had work the next day."

by Psardy July 5, 2008

10👍 4👎


Scattereday is the day following Friedday, where your brain has been fried and now feels scattered because of the comedown.

"I'm never capable of doing anything on Scattereday."

by Psardy July 5, 2008


Frieday, pronounced "Fried-day" is that magic day at the end of the week and beginning of the weekend when you fry your brain with lots of naughty drugs.

Is concluded by Scattereday and Sundown.

"It's Frieday, time to get fried."

by Psardy July 5, 2008

28👍 7👎