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Boring guy who thinks he's popular but has no friends

"Hi im joe"
"fuck off joe"

by Pseudalfonso November 16, 2023


The best part of a human woman.
Her lips.
Her Vagina.
Her hot dog bun.
Her pleasure beach.
Her tickle spot.
Her cream pie.

I fucked your sister in the pussy. She was so hot and tight, I made her cum so quickly when I look her virginity and she moaned so loudly and her legs shook like crazy.

by Pseudalfonso December 9, 2023


Izzy is a down-to-earth girl, not a slut but enjoys getting it on, is smart, sporty, and downright beautiful. She will always be a good friend, won't hold grudges, and although she can be a bit cold sometimes, she is always there when you need her.

"Dude, have you met my girlfriend yet?"
"No, what's she called?"
"Izzy, she's beautiful"
"Lucky bastard"

by Pseudalfonso November 16, 2023