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Continuing a conversation by talking in a nonsensical, primitive or meaningless way that has no relation to the conversations previous topic or makes no sense regardless of topic

Tom had to ask Phil what he was zingzanging about, as he turned a conversation about a fantasy book into a religious rant

by Pseudo Man May 11, 2023


Liquid Crystal Display

A potent replacement for LSD. Will kill user when internally. Drug is to be viewed. Side effects include suicide, and believing that fictions are real. A very addictive drug. Distribution methods include Laptop, Gaming consoles, mobile phones, etc. More expensive but effects will last for about 5 years or MORE. Somehow, nobody dares to ban LCD because it makes billions of money for multinational corporate stiffs. Estimated number of junkies exceed 1 billion.

Person 1: Wanna watch some blue movies?
Person 2: Sure, why not? I need LCD now. It's already 30 minutes since I had my last dose of LCD.

by Pseudo Man January 27, 2011

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