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Sook, Cry Baby, Cutter.

Emos sook about dying.

most the time, emos are only emos to get into that scene. there are people out there that are much worse off.

my friend is having his third round of cancer. he may not even make it through. he has lost his leg, and is still outgoing chemotherapy. he does not cut, and doesnt die his hair black!! he is the happiest person when your with him, and hes and awesome bloke. take that for an example.

grow the hell up. emos go nowhere in life. live life to the full and stop sooking.

dont kill yourself, dont cut yourself.

read the bible or something! turn your life around! you can possible be a normal person!

an Emo is a person who dresses close to a gothic, and cuts their selves. they think it is more specific. but seriously, depression is made up by the world, if you never knew you were depressed, you woudlnt act that way. your fine.

by Pseudonym - Optimistic. July 27, 2008

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