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A girl that doesn't stop playing catan with her "friends". She goes LARP-ing every Sunday and goes to summer camp with her younger brother and two acne-cover boyfriends.

Sibba is being silly

by PseudonymKiller123 April 24, 2024


She likes being cuddled and taken care of. She plays catan with her "boyfriends" who have enough acne for a laser to run out. She never stops playing Catan and has trouble connecting with reality because she thinks she needs hay to get a development card.

My child you are a disgrace to our legacy, you are a sibba!

by PseudonymKiller123 April 24, 2024


He is fighting the urge to scream "penis" every chance he gets and doesn't stop playing Catan with his "friends" or orgy boyfriends. He doesn't like being called a horseboy.

Stop being a brynjólfur you filthy prune.

by PseudonymKiller123 April 24, 2024