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Suburbia is a melting pot of teenage subcultures whose differences vary from little to big, but all share two basic things: rebellion and drugs. No matter how different one subculture might be from another, they can always be brought together by these two things.

For adults in suburbia, it is where they all try to act like they're perfect, but are all secretly sleeping with each other's spouses. They are also known to use their kids to compete with each other. Such as, whoever's kid plays the most sport and gets the better grades is the best kid. Sounds like nothing, but this is very revered by parents in suburbia.

Suburbian #1: Dude, I hate suburbia. It's full of all these idiot fuckwads who just do drugs and waste their lives away.

Suburbian #2: Yeah, definitely...wanna go drop some acid, then vandalize some shit?

Suburbian #1: Definitely dude.

by Pseudonymerific April 14, 2010

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