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rob and janine

The phrase Rob and Janine first started in the angel pub in Caerphilly named after two legendary locals….
Basically when when you are told something and it sounds completely mental or u need more information on the matter as it’s so ridiculous u can’t get to grips with it… rather than say “what do u mean” you would say “rob and Janine?”

Morgan: omfg, had a mental one last night, took far too much cocaine, a pukka n 3 viagras, went home horny as fuck. Wanked off watching a Red Cross advert on tv n then shot my load all over my dads dog…..
James: hang on a sec… rob and Janine?

by PubHellhound July 16, 2022

fully fledged member of the international guild of fucktards

When someone is a complete and utter useless cunt, and is actually a lot more retarded than you previously give them credit for.
A very common attribute with new scaffolding labourers. They may be ripped to fuck and constantly remind you how they can lift 250kg in the gym but can’t pick up a bucket of fittings or more than one tube. If you asked one of these individuals to go to the lorry and get you a tape as you need to measure something they would most definitely return with duct tape.

Lewys: Mackenzie said the inside board wouldn’t fit as there is a brick feature sticking out of the wall. I told him to get a saw and notch it. When I went over to see what was taking him so long, he was actually trying to saw the brick…
Rich: are you fuxking serious??? Wow that guy really is a fully fledged member of the international guild of fucktards!

by PubHellhound July 16, 2022