Anorexia NervosA. Short term for anorexia, basically. Supporters usually wear red bracelets.
"Oh my god, I'm soo fat. I think I'm gonna become ana and start starving myself to lose weight!!"
51👍 121👎
buliMIA nervosa. Short term for bulimia. When you binge (eat a lot) and then purge(take laxatives/throw up on purpose) to get it out of your system. Supporters usually wear purple bracelets.
"Holy shit, I just had a huge bowl of ice cream, a pack of oreos and pizza... Fuck that's gotta be like 1000 calories! I'm gonna go take some laxatives/throw up to get it out of my system so I don't gain weight!"
"I always use MIA as a last resort when I binge, that way I don't gain weight."
"Ew, are you serious? That's soo gross. And you could die that way really easily..."
29👍 170👎