A queer, British internet personality who is scared of whisks, moths, and scrambled eggs. He and his (boy?)friend, Phil, have created an extremely dangerous cult known as the Phandom (or collectively Susan) where lonely thirteen year old introverted emos wear whiskers on their faces and chant things such as "Mirror butt", "Ladders", "Hi, so my name is Dan", and "Yee". Dan has gone on two world tours with Phil (The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire and Interactive Introverts) where he regrettably socialized with the cult members. He is also known for having a glowing blue penis and a weird sexual relationship with stray Maltesers boxes. The world is also extremely proud of him for coming out. Good job, danny boy.
I am DISGUSTED. I am REVOLTED. I dedicate my entire life to our lord and savior, Dan Howell, and THIS is the thanks I get?
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