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Chicago Bulls

An NBAteam based in Chicago. This team is famous for having star players like Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen on its roster. Won 6 NBA championships so far.

The Chicago Bulls are my favorite basketball team. GO BULLS!

by Puvar January 18, 2009

343👍 43👎


1. A slang word meaning, "ghetto" or "hood"

2. Ace Hood's rap album released in 2008

1. He's straight out the Gutta

2. I am listening to Ace Hood's new album Gutta.

by Puvar January 6, 2009

141👍 83👎


What I never am.

Person: Can't wait for the huge party this friday!
Me: Cool! Where is it?
Person: You are not invited...

by Puvar August 29, 2009

94👍 23👎


A term used when in a competition, one team or individual dominates the other with impunity. The inferior team/individual is said to have been "tubbed".

In CounterStrike the other day, I killed a guy with a knife, and promptly yelled, "YOU JUST GOT TUBBED!"

by Puvar February 20, 2010

13👍 10👎