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The type of girl that's from Delaware but grew up in Philadelphia and says she's a Californian but in reality is a narcissistic gaslighting demon from Dantes Inferno, she'll seduce you like a siren and sing you to shipwreck while living off your spirit energy, she usually keeps her x boyfriend around long after your dating... As a "best friend" That she secretly smokes crystal meth with behind your back as they wager what part of your soul they will sell first after they've emptied your bank account. It will usually take 3-4 years before you can break the spell of this special creature and try to piece your life back together again. Beware!

Hey bro why don't you like this new girl that I'm trying to date. Well bro I keep trying to tell you she a real "hoodwinker"

by Pyramid Oracle May 28, 2023