Counter-strike (CS). An insanely popular modification for the Half-Life engine imfamous for its generally less-than-friendly community, strange non-realism, abusive server administrators, and high concentration of hackers. The modification was orinally headed by "gooseman", and was adopted by Valve Software as a commercial product. Its only continuation to date, Counter-Strike: Source, was developed by Valve as a graphically enhanced version of the game.
Loved by millions, hated by more or less the same, counter-strike has been the debate topic of many for a long time.
Counter-Strike remains, to this date, the most played online game ever created.
We're going to go scrimming on CS, want to come?
Nah, I'm updating Counter-Strike: Source
151👍 61👎
1. Relating to something sexual, as in banging someone.
2. Something generally good or cool.
1. guy 1 "Dude I banged her real good!"
guy 2 "Bam chicka wao wao!"
2. guy 1 "I just got a mustang, bitch!"
guy 2 "Bam chicka wao wao!"
31👍 22👎
A short version of chunks. Usually describing gibs in first person shooters, and usually shouted in exclaimation.
*player gibs*
26👍 9👎