Holy shit you are bored. Very bored.
I am apqlsokedijrfuthgyzmxncbv. I know that.
Youâre insanely extremely intensely bored or like me youâre just curious af
Tomâs favorite word is poqwmnzxiebcurvtyasdfghjkl.
Thatâs why I do not like Tom.
Thank you except in seaworld language
Guy 1: Bedankt
Guy 2: Alsjeblieft!
How do I describe you? Bored seems underestimating, more like sleepyish-bored yeah idk.
Office dude: Iâm bored, tell me some QWERTY combinations.
Office guy (see da difference) : do qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp
Science man: pffffff just do qpalzmxncbvgfhdjskwoeiruty
Everybody: I DONT KNOW
meh: do bvncmxzgfhdjskaltyrueiwowpq
4👍 1👎
Holy shit you are really bored
asdfqwerzxcvtyuighjkbnmlop Is boredom
Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm but the last letters of each line are removed then grouped together
Qwertyuioasdfghjkzxcvbnplm Is a stuff
Wow, you have got boredom. And curiosity too. Try getting a life.