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The Monster Energy Drink pepperoni flavor that reaps your senses with its vibrant pepperoni juices.

Alex: Bro Mike! Check out this new Monster Energy Drink flavor! It's called Reaperoni!
Mike: Bro what flavor is it?
Alex: Pepperoni bro!
Mike: What the fuck Alex that's fucking poopy and stupid!
Alex: Nah bro, it's the fucking shit!
Mike: Alright man whatever you say.
Mike: *drinks*

Mike: Bro! This IS the fucking shit bro!

by Quansto622 July 26, 2019


The slang term for the phrase "epic gamer moment".

Dad: Son what are you doing?
Son: Dad, I'm gaming the frick out of Minecraft.
Dad: Oh! How many points do you have?
Son: Dad that's not how that works, God, that was so not an eper Dad.

by Quansto622 June 23, 2019

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