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Tahnee is a sweet sexy human being. She is good as a best friend and she's the boys greatest friend. She like keeping male friends and enjoys laughing , talking and playing with others feelings . even though people refer to her as a bitch she cares zero and always say yes am a bitch and a bad one too. She is classed as mad, insane, sexy, the best sex partner, and a queen . she has a lot of persons she use but once she finds someone she loves she will love them for ever . just pray that you find a tahnee . shes the best. But one lil secret don't mess with her friends or boy friend she'll eat you alive 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Look at that tahnee shes sexy asf look how she takes the crowds attention I would love to be with her

by Queen tee tee June 24, 2018

13👍 3👎