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A place where Mr.Potters Revenge Reigns supreme. And Dan S. carrys the largest penis within a 100 mile radius. A Place where Trent T's presence brings the "Cuban Missile Crisis" to its fruiscion and you must succumb to its glory

You go to duke? You must of have sex with Trent or dan!

by Questos Revenge March 28, 2005

6👍 54👎

Duke University

A place where Mr.Potters Big News Reigns supreme. And Dan S. carrys the largest penis within a 100 mile radius. A Place where Trent T's presence brings the "Cuban Missile Crisis" to its fruiscion and you must succumb to its glory

You go to duke? You must of had sex with Trent or dan!

by Questos Revenge March 28, 2005

43👍 376👎