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An evil wicked boss with sharp teeth and claws who likes to Shred it's employees or devour them whole.

Lance is such a tyrantosaurus He completely made Janet cry just because there was no paper in the copy machine.

by Quills13 January 2, 2012


After having an assplosion or giving birth to a huge turd baby, you reach round to wipe yourself, but find there is not enough toilet paper in the world to clean up the mess which seems to have traveled EVERYWHERE and you are stranded for what seems to be eternity in the 13th ring of hell trying to clean up, but your efforts are fruitless and you have to shower.

I had an ass-fiasco on my hands........literally......

by Quills13 December 16, 2010

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The act of shitting and vomiting at the same time on the Sabbath.

George: "oi Moishe, the gefilte fish must have been bad....I'm gonna Schomit!"
Moishe: "oi George, lemme hold your yarmulke...you don't want to get it dirty"

by Quills13 October 1, 2016